In 2010, Samsung took the wraps off of its first Android tablet, the 7-inch Galaxy Tab. The years that followed saw successively newer models in the Galaxy Tab line debut, with the most recent unit being the Galaxy Tab 3 7.0. Given the Galaxy Tab family's long history, you might be thinking that we'll see another new group of GTabs in 2014. Well, if you are, you're probably right.
A new image has revealed the Samsung Galaxy Tab 4 7.0, a new version of Samsung's long-running tablet lineup. The Tab 4 7.0 looks fairly similar to the Galaxy Tab Pro 8.4 that debuted earlier this year, sporting a much less curvy look than the Tab 3 7.0. Additionally, the new Tab 4 7.0 has Multitasking and Back capacitive buttons on its face rather than the Menu and Back keys that are found on its predecessor.
As far as specs go, it's likely that the Galaxy Tab 4 7.0 is sporting a 7-inch display (duh). Outside of that feature, though, the new slate's spec sheet is a mystery. Because the previous entries in the Galaxy Tab line have been fairly entry-level devices, it won't be a shock if the Galaxy Tab 4 7.0 is as well. The good news is that it'll likely be fairly easy on the wallet as well, so if you've been jonesing for a tablet similar to the Tab Pro 8.4 but in a smaller size and with a cheaper price tag, you'll probably soon get your wish.
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