Rabu, 28 Januari 2015

Chrome Beta Updated To v41 With Pull To Refresh And Some Settings Tweaks [APK Download]

ap_resize Google has seen fit to bestow upon us this evening Chrome Beta v41. This version of Chrome will add pull to refresh to almost all web pages. No more will there be wailing and gnashing of teeth due to the lack of an easily accessible refresh button. There's some other stuff too, but how 'bout that refresh?

2015-01-28 20.51.48 Screenshot_2015-01-28-17-53-04 Screenshot_2015-01-28-18-02-23

What's New

So, as previously mentioned, the pull to refresh functionality is the headliner here.

Chrome Beta Updated To v41 With Pull To Refresh And Some Settings Tweaks [APK Download] was written by the awesome team at Android Police.

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