Kamis, 27 Juli 2017

Google Play Store gifting $1 credit to some users

If you haven't hopped into the Google Play Store on your web browser or your phone today, you may want to check in to see if you've been rewarded with a gift.

Many users have have been gifted a $1 Google Play Store credit today. To get it, you'll just have to visit the Play Store either via the browser or from the app itself on your Android device. Once you do, you may see a card that reads "A gift for you!" and offers a $1 credit. The card is pictured at the top of this post.

If you do see the card, you'll just need to tap or click on it to get the $1 credit applied to your account. As the card reads, though, it will only be available for a limited time, and the credit will expire on September 14, 2017.

A buck may not be a lot to throw around in the Play Store, but it should be enough to grab an app you might've had your eye on or maybe even a movie rental.

Did you get the promotion?

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