Senin, 30 Oktober 2017

Google Calculator v7.4 switches to blue accent color, improves history screen and main display [APK Download]

Green is gone, blue is new. That's the mantra for today's update to Google's Calculator app. But it's not just a palette swap on the agenda, there are actually several other little changes scattered around the UI. There are changes to the history screen, RAD/DEG toggle, and there are even a couple things taken out.

What's New

Unofficial Changelog: (the stuff we found)

  • Blue icon and control drawer

Blue color scheme

Unless you haven't used Google's Calculator app in a few years, you'll probably notice the first change right away.

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Google Calculator v7.4 switches to blue accent color, improves history screen and main display [APK Download] was written by the awesome team at Android Police.

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