Back in January, Sony introduced a trio of new smartphones, two of which fit under the XA2 brand. Now, several months later, the company is welcoming a brand new member of the XA2 family. This model is called the Xperia XA2 Plus, and Sony introduced the handset with a YouTube video early on Wednesday. According to Sony, the new smartphone is "designed to entertain", with a large 6-inch Full HD+ display with an aspect ratio of 18:9. The handset's front is outfitted with sizable bezels and the screen's corners are rounded. The XA2 Plus features a Qualcomm Snapdragon 630 processor and comes in variants with either 3GB of RAM and 32GB of built-in storage, or 6GB of RAM and 64GB of built-in storage. Around back there is a single 23MP camera that's capable of recording 4K video, and around front is an 8MP camera with a super wide-angle lens.
The Xperia XA2 Plus is running Android 8.0 Oreo out of the box, features a 3.5mm headphone jack, has a fingerprint reader on the back, and comes with a 3580mAh battery. It will be available in green, silver, gold, and black when it goes on sale in late August 2018. Unfortunately, Sony hasn't shared any pricing for the XA2 Plus just yet. Even without those last crucial bits of information, the new XA2 Plus sounds like a decent mid-range handset. Android Match
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