Selasa, 29 Agustus 2017

Biliscreen is an app that could use selfies to to help diagnose pancreatic cancer

It may seem unthinkable that the much maligned 'selfie', a photo of oneself taken by oneself, could be used in any sort of meaningful, useful way. Yet that's exactly what is being proposed by researchers at from the University of Washington. They've developed an app called Biliscreen which could utilize selfies, as well as computer vision algorithms and machine learning tools, as a method of screening for pancreatic cancer.

For anyone who takes things too literally, let's be clear; this doesn't involve t rying to take a snap of your own pancreas with your smartphone.

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Biliscreen is an app that could use selfies to to help diagnose pancreatic cancer was written by the awesome team at Android Police.

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