With the OnePlus 6 out there in the wild and some eyes already set on the rumored OnePlus 6T, OnePlus itself is staying focused on getting feedback on its software. OnePlus Beta Program and Dev Relations team member Manu J has detailed a brand new OnePlus 6 Closed Beta program for committed OnePlus community members. This is just one of three streams for OnePlus software, with the Closed Beta offering up the closest a person in the public can get to a pure developer build, on the bleeding edge of testing software and features. The other two streams are the Open Beta and the MP (official) build, the one that's launched to the public after all that testing is finalized. The Closed Beta stream is only open to 100 individuals, and it actually takes a bit of work to get into. That includes the obvious part of constantly flashing new software onto your OnePlus 6, which may also involve a "clean flash" that will probably lead to some data loss in the process. There are also some basic requirements that need to be met for you to qualify to be in the Closed Beta stream: - Use a OnePlus 6
- Be an active member of OnePlus Community
- Be willing to constantly communicate and provide feedback to the OnePlus team on Slack
Secrecy is also part of the game, because those who get into the Closed Beta won't be able to discuss anything they're actually testing with anyone outside of the OnePlus Closed Beta program or part of the company directly. Anyone who gets approved for the program will also need to sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA), an extra step to keep those pre-release features a secret. If you want to apply to be a Closed Beta tester, click this link to apply. Do you think you'll try to get in? Android Match
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