Rabu, 25 April 2018

Google rolls out major redesign for Gmail

Earlier this month, Google gave Gmail Early Adopter program users a glimpse of a major change coming down the pipe, which was subsequently confirmed by leaked images of a new user interface and features just a day later.

Now Google has begun the rollout for Gmail's major redesign. Not only is the UI getting a boost, making it easier to use and navigate, but Google is also bringing in new features for good measure. In many cases, Google is simply bringing in mobile features to the web app, but that's not a bad thing.

There are several new features for Gmail on the web, including the ability to quickly access attachments in emails without having to scroll through a long, threaded conversation. You can simply hover over an email in your inbox and options will pop up, including the ability to RSVP to a meeting, snooze an email for a later date and time, or archive the message altogether.


The new "nudge" feature is a subtle way for Gmail to remind you of an email you might have forgotten to reply to. These will be reminders that will appear to some email messages, suggesting that you might want to reply because you received the email a certain amount of days before. Gmail might ask if you want to follow up in these cases.

There is a new side panel in the Gmail redesign as well which gives faster access to other G Suite apps, including Calendar, Keep, and the brand new Tasks app. You can simply drag an email over to the appropriate G Suite app and it will take action as necessary.

Google is also bringing Smart Reply to Gmail on the web, a feature that's been available for mobile users for a bit of time already. This will let users simply choose a pre-determined response, something like "Let's do it!" when asked by a contact to do lunch on a certain day. It's a nice and quick way to fire off an email.


Meanwhile, on mobile, Gmail is getting high-priority notifications. This is meant to cut down on the notifications you get on a daily basis, with Gmail aiming to simply let you know about the most important emails in your inbox. Gmail will also start suggesting when to unsubscribe from a mailing list that you don't interact with.

There are plenty of other new features being added to the mix, especially with business in mind. You can check them out right here.

Gmail users on the web can check out the majority of the new features beginning today. Some of the announcements won't be available for a couple of weeks at least, though. If you want to try the new Gmail on the web right now, you can click the Settings (the cog icon on the top right of the screen) icon and select the "Try the new Gmail". If you want to go back, just head into Settings again and select the "Go back to classic Gmail".

What do you think of the redesign?

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