Selasa, 24 April 2018

Instagram adds multiple uploads to Stories

Instagram Stories is gaining a new feature should make it easier for customers to share events on their story. Users can now add multiple photos or videos to their Story at the same time. This is great for previewing what a complete story will look like before it's posted, as well as for users looking to save time when uploading several photos or videos to their Story.

Users will still be able to edit each photo or video individually, and a preview of all selected media can be found at the bottom of the screen. Users can order photos as they wish and can upload up to ten at a time.


This update to Stories is also making it easier to tag your location. When uploading photos at a later date, Stories will now suggest locations from near where the photo or video was captured. This should make it simple for users sharing memories of their past weekend's adventures, their amazing international trip, and more.

Instagram Stories is the dominant force among the quick-sharing photo services. Though Snapchat pioneered the concept of Stories, Instagram's active user base of Stories has grown immensely to over 300 million daily users. This is well over Snapchat's roughly 160 million daily users of Stories.

Do you use Instagram Stories? Are you interested in this latest feature?

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