Senin, 26 Desember 2016

Fake Galaxy Note7 Hotspot Creates Panic on Virgin America Flight


Traveling during the holidays is a particular stressful experience, as I'm sure people who have family in other cities or in other countries know too well. But what happens when someone on your flight decides to play a pretty idiotic joke without thinking of the other passengers? You'll find out in a while.

The Samsung Galaxy Note7 might be dead and buried, but the phablet is still capable of causing quite a great deal of panic.

iMore's Managing Editor, Serenity Caldwell reports that a Virgin America flight was almost diverted this week, after a passenger thought it would be funny to change the name of their SSID wireless device to "Samsung Galaxy Note7".

The Samsung Galaxy Note7 was banned from planes by the Department of Transportation, after several devices caught on fire within aircrafts. The same thing happened in Canada.

A passenger noticed the hotspot upon opening his laptop and alerted the cabin crew. A call went out urging the Galaxy Note7 owner to step forward. No one would admit to being guilty at first, but after the pilot warned passengers they would have to make an emergency landing, the culpable individual came forward.

Due to the issues, some subsequent flights were delayed leaving people to wait in endless lights for countless of hours. It's not clear whether any legal measures are going to be taken against the passenger with the dubious sense of humor.


The post Fake Galaxy Note7 Hotspot Creates Panic on Virgin America Flight appeared first on Android in Canada Blog.

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